Definition: Catalog Product Selection Products are selected for publication in the Highlights Plus based upon availability. Products that are In-Stock in our warehouse and products that are easily drop shipped are given high priority. We feature Products that we can easily provide to our customers.
Definition: Vendor Pre-Approval of Pages Sorry, the Highlights Plus features products from over 300 Manufacturers. We CAN NOT submit pages for pre-approval. Products are selected based upon what we have to sell not based upon what you want to feature (See above).
Definition: “Display Space” Please understand that we are creating a catalog publication. The product spaces in this publication are not “Ads” like advertisements in a newspaper or a magazine where the customer can submit the actual layout, artwork and design. We are providing “Display Space” for your products in a catalog publication. The design and layout of this space is created to produce consistency and ease of use.
Co-Op Display Space is invoiced at a rate of $5 per square inch
Definition: Feature Page The Highlights Plus and Highlighs publications offer another kind of page space. This is when a product is placed on a feature page. Front Page, Back Page and New and Special Products pages (Usually Pages 2-5) are all feature pages and the cost per square inch is slightly higher.
Co-Op Featured Display Space is invoiced at a rate of $6.60 per square inch.
Definition: Highlights Plus The Highlights Plus is our quarterly publication. It is released at the beginning of each quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1 & October 1). This 128 page publication features the top-selling items from all of our active lines.