When the Virtual Tool Showcase opens its doors on May 7, 2018, at: www.virtualtoolshowcase.com, you will enter into an a familiar trade show environment. Scoll down to view images of the Virtual Showcase.
Once inside the showcase you will be able to view and to buy from “booths” containing featured products and other specials. To view a sample “booth” (Click here)
You will be able to choose which booth you want visit from the VTS Lobby Map. Clicking on a booth on the map will open a side window with a description of the manufacturer and a link to their booth.
There is another way to choose which booth you visit - the Alphabetical Manufacturer listing. Clicking on a manufacturer name in the alphabetically listed cards will cause it to “flip over” to show the booth location and a link to that location.
Standard Heading The countdown indicates the time to the end of the Virtual Showcase. Link to Midstate Tool website.
Booth Header Presents the booth number and category and introduces the brand logo.
Manufacturer Web Site Link
Booth Interface This first opportunity to view products. Here we’ve created an interface that closely resembles the booth experience. Your can scroll through the table displays.
Virtual Presenter
Your Specials Here you will see specials and deals. There will also be special ordering instructions.
The Individual Tool Interface This is a second way to view your featured products. Clicking on a tool takes you to a detail view.
Video and Links Booths may include videos that present demos and features of the products in the booth. There is also a link to the Midstate Tool on-line catalog page(s) that feature this manufacturer’s products.
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